How to Deal With Your  Aging Parents,
                                     While Enriching Your Own Life

A combination memoir/how-to, the book presents instructions on every aspect of caregiving, interspersed with the stories of how I learned to care for my parents. The book details a simple, easy-to-follow plan to convert any residence into a fully equipped, micro nursing home, where elders can live out their final years in dignity and freedom. 

Each chapter is divided into two sections: a narrative of what happened in my family, and a "Survival Kit" that presents the eldercare techniques that I've developed through those experiences.

I hope that as people read the narrative sections, they'll think of me as a friend who's been through the same things they're going through, a friend who is commiserating with them, supporting them, and advising them. And I hope that as they read the "Survival Kit" sections, they'll pick up all of the practical skills they need to care for a senior at home.

Sixty-one months ago, I was a caregiving neophyte who became responsible, suddenly, for two infirm parents. My greatest wish is that this book will become a vital lifeline to everyone who, overnight, must face what first appears to be the devastating challenge of eldercare--a challenge that opens the way to unexpected growth and fulfillment.

--Robert Clark Young